Thursday, November 15, 2012

Inside Project: Parallel Dilemma

Re-imagined version of Benjamin and Tonya

The project Parallel Dilemma may be the project that I'm currently known most for (debatable with Arcana's Last Ninja). What is also great about Parallel Dilemma is that it was the first comic that I created. This project has gone through so much, and was almost never made. Let's start the journey of Parallel Dilemma.

The Story: I decided to write comics in the middle of 2009, and Parallel Dilemma was the first story that I developed. I developed Parallel Dilemma when I was driving to work, listening to Breaking Benjamin's "Evil Angel" and "Unknown Soldier". Somehow, the songs merged in my mind and the premise of Parallel Dilemma came to be. Not knowing how to start in comics, I made a post on Craigslist looking for a comic artist. I did receive a reply, and we started off a collaboration. Though the collaboration did not work, I did get some valuable information about how to write comics, and where to find other comic creators.

Parallel Dilemma went through over 5 artist, and it was almost shelved, before I finally decided to commission JC Grande to work on the book. It was expensive, but it finally got my book out.

Publishing: Not only was Parallel Dilemma interesting development. Through my first artist,we had some serious interest from Markosia to publish the book as a GN. After that collaboration failed, it took a while to get close enough to the submissions part. Once I hired JC, the first publisher I emailed was 215 Ink. Within a week, we got accepted. I was extremely excited! Things was going well, but I decided to pull it from 215 Ink to publish through my company, Im a Geek Entertainment. I wanted to get the book out sooner than 215 Ink wanted. Admittedly, that was probably a mistake.

Almost Parallel Dilemma #2 with Tomas Witas
Future: Parallel Dilemma is on a hiatus for the time being. Until I find an artist who will commit to the story for at least 100 pgs, I think I will focus on other projects. But the good news is that I have stories plotted out for a large mini series.

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