Friday, November 30, 2012

Notes from iBotics Kickstarter

The iBotics Kickstarter was unsuccessful, what's next?

iBotics will be released digitally early in December on and through Drive-Thru Comics.

We will also be printing limited amount of comics still for the Im a Geek online store and for conventions. That means, there will be no expansion of the iBotics universe. There was a plan to either expand the one shot or make a second issue with the kickstater funds (which wasn't explained well in the Kickstarter).

So, why did the kickstarter fail? Simply, we did not get enough views for the kickstater. We did reach hundreds and maybe thousands of people through our kickstarter, but our kickstarter video views have only had 88 views, with only 47% completing the video.

Though it was frustrating, I learned a lot about this experience of doing this kickstarter, prepping the work to a perfect production and to not rushing a project.

I love iBotics! And I personally think that it should have been funded, but I refuse to dwell on this. This book will be released and the creators will be moving on to other projects.

Speaking of other projects, JP and I will be collaborating on a new mini series/graphic novel called The Gamer, about a professionally ranked video game player, who starts to bring his video game life into the real world, which leads to a lot of violence and suspense.

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