Monday, January 21, 2013

Dead Projects: The Explorers

I seen this on a fellow comic book creator's page (shout out to Mark Bertolini) about dead comic book projects. I wasn't going to do this myself, but when I seen how much art I had about dead projects, I decided to go for it. 

The first Dead Project is a project that I started writing shortly after deciding to write comics. The project, The Explorers, was my way of blending my love for sci-fi and classic superhero genres. The story of the Explorers is about a group of astronauts that are on a mission to find a habitable planet, but crash into a waste planet, where they gain superpowers.

Artist that got attached to this project was Daniel Cuchacovich, who started the designs of this project, like the vessel above. This was meant to be a very big vessel, with multiple levels. 

The photo above is the lead character, Dr. Howard Silverstein. I wanted to make a lead character Jewish, and have diversity in this comic. His power was to 

This is the character, Michael Jones, I believe... He was a former athlete, who went back to his field of study after a brutal injury ended his pro football career. You can still see the brace on his leg. After the crash, you can obviously see that be gained a few extra arms, which allows him to kick more ass. 

This is the pin up that Daniel sent me, right before he got laid off from his job. The pin up features Howard and Kim. Daniel, after getting laid off, decided that he needed to make money doing art, which I completely respected. You have to support your family more than anything, I would have done the same thing. But in doing so, it has placed this project on hiatus, which isn't a bad thing. I created this series to be more than an initial 4 issue mini series could hold. Could I tell the story in 4 issues? Yes, but why limit what this story can do. Maybe if I ever get lucky to get a chance to pitch this to Image, this would be a great possible ongoing series filled with sci-fi planets and adventures, super powers heroes and villains, mixed in with government conspiracy, as time on the over populated, over polluted Earth might be ending soon. 

COOL PROJECT HUH? Til next time... 

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