Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rockstar Savior Returning?

Well, kinda. I am going to be sending the pages of the first issue to my friend Multi Monitor Mike (check out www.geekyuniverse.com to see some of his stuff) to edit together a manga trailer for Rockstar Savior. I will be re-writing some dialog to throw in there, so that we can possibly pitch this series as an anime TV show, which would be a honor. When I envisioned this story, the main thought was to make this into an anime, with all of the characters and storylines that I have in my head (plus, my best friend is a hardcore anime nut). Hopefully we can have a few versions of the trailer to post soon.

But while I'm talking about Rockstar Savior, I had some more cool art to show off, so here it is!

Here is the sketches of the bands, with Silent Ninja (nemesis), General Azomi (nemesis) and Dr. Shinobi Matzumi (friend).

Here is a great drawing of eRyo's main nemesis, eNobo (e stands for evolved form). Nobo, if you don't know, is the lead singer/bass player of the 2nd biggest rockband in Japan. He has always been envious of Ryo.

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